Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Bitter Pills

One fine evening Banana Boy got angry. His mom had scolded him and his dad was cross. His sister also was upset. Banana Boy remained angry for a while and then broke down. He sobbed and sobbed. He wished he was peeled and squashed into a milkshake! He didnt want to talk to anyone and continued to remain depressed. Meanwhile his friend, Peach Park came by and saw his dear friend in this state. On inquiring he learnt was the reason for his friend's agony.

Banana Boy had gone to the fruit market and spent lot of money on candies. When his mom and dad heard this they shouted at him. Peach Park told Banana Boy, "On the face of it, it does seem very hurting for our folks to shout at us like that. They dont understand how much we love candies, do they? They were no candies during their childhood! And neither do they realise that we know what we are doing! Why do they keep yelling at us all the time?! So what if these candies can spoil our teeth and cause us toothache later? So what if they make us so addicted to them that we cant live a day without them?! It's all our problem, why should they bother? So what if they are our parents and concerned about us? So what if they think about our welfare in the longer run? So what if...?" Banana Boy was looking at Peach Park with shock!

He weeped and slowly, in between hiccups, told Peach Park, " You know Park, can you imagine how much I must've hurt my parents to make them so angry? They must've had some expectations from me...and if I, as their son, cant live upto them....I should be ashamed of myself!! I love candies but I love my parents more. If I have to ask them to have it, I shall do it. If that is what makes them happy, I shall do it!!" Saying this, Banana Boy wiped his tears and started running towards his home. "Need to make up!" he shouted back to his smiling friend.

Moral of the story:- Parents often give us the bitter pill. As kids, we hate it and forget the long term benefits the pill would give us. Tomorrow, when our parents become stars and we look upto them...its such lessons that we shall recall.

© Zarine.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It’s a beautifully written small story choosing simplest of words. You seem to be fond of such writings. A great talent I must say