Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Love and befriend all.

Dear Kids, we have read few stories about the residents of Veggie-Land. Today we shall know something about Fruity-Land.

There were 2 fruits who were good friends - Lola the Litchi and Sara the Strawberry. Now Lola and Sara resembled each other so much that everyone was confused. But from within, they were different persons. Sara was stubborn while Lola had a big heart. She would always forgive whatever pranks Sara would play on her. One day sitting besides the river, they heard someone play a beautiful tune from a flute. Both of them were enchanted. As they discovered the source of the tune, they were shocked. Sitting on the rock was an ugly Pineapple.

They went to him and asked who he was. He replied, "I am Peter the Pineapple. I'm new to Fruity Land. Will you be my friends?" As Lola reached out her hand to shake it with Peter's, Sara held her back. She took Lola aside and asked her, " Have you gone mad? We are berries. How can we befriend a Pineapple??" Lola was shocked to hear this. Sara dragged Lola away from the scene, leaving the heartbroken Peter behind.

Few days later, it so happened that a ferocious animal started attacking the trees and eating away all the fruits! Everybody was terrified, especially the Berries. They were small and most vulnerable to such attacks. As Lola and Sara sat in their homes worrying about each other and everyone, they heard a roar. Terrified they looked outside. And what did they see??? The ferocious Fruit Eater was glaring back at them!! They started running for their lives!

The chase had begun. The Berries ran as fast as they could. The Fruit Eater was at their heels. They ran and he followed. Up the banyas and down the creepers. The chase continued with neither of the parties giving in. Suddenly the Berries ran into the bushes and were cornered! Sara started sobbing loudly. Lola decided to fight the Fruit Eater. As the Fruit Eater advanced towards them, he moaned loudly! On his feet were rough pointed leaves! And he kept moaning as Peter kept throwing the hard leaves of his crown at him. The Fruit Eater retreated in pain.

Lola thanked Peter profusely. Sara apologised to him for her rude behavior and they became friends and stayed happily ever after.

Moral :- Never discriminate friends based on their appearances/ religion/ caste/ division. Each one has his/her good qualities. We are all angels with one wing. We can only fly if we embrace each other.

© Zarine.

1 comment:

junat said...

hey zarine well interesting blog that u have started , maybe a few older people can take a few lessons from these stories , maybe only if they could open their mind . i would make an effort to think again as a child when i come to this blog.