Saturday, April 01, 2006

Red the Raddish

Once upon a time, there lived a Raddish called Red. He had a select bunch of pals namely, Stella the strawberry, Betty the beetroot and Al the onion.

Red did not know what he wanted from his life. He knew he was just a vegetable in the big bad food market. Mebbe he was destined to be just that...!

One day as he and his pals (veggies, as they'd like to call themselves) were walking through the market. Red asked Betty,"Betty, I sometimes wonder why you and Stella have strong colors and I dont? I too want to leave my mark!" It was true that Red was colorless. Al asked Red,"Does having no color mean you are colorless? Dont you realise that white is a color too?" "Yeh Al, but it isnt prominent!" "Who said so?" "I know!" Red got upset and walked away.

It so happened that evening the Chief of Veggie Land fell sick from acidity. All the veggies were called for a meet. They came forth with what they could do for the Chief. Stella and Betty offered their colors. "No,no! We dont need colors! We need medicines!" exclaimed the Dr.Brinjal, "Call Red! We need him to cure the indigestion and acidity!" Veggies started searching for Red and brought him to the hospital. Red gave away few of his medicinal properties to his Chief and cured him. Everyone around cheered him!!

Moral :- Each of us has different qualities that make us special and unique. If you ever feel 'wasted' or 'useless' , remember you are just a raddish betting his time. :)

© Zarine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cool ...