Monday, April 03, 2006

The Shining Star

Once upon a time in a vast sky lived hundreds of stars. But do you know why we can see so few of them at night now?

It so happened that on one such night, one star called Canopus decided to test the remaining stars. Canopus was the second largest star in the Galaxy. He wanted to know how many stars were kind hearted and helpful. So, he lessened his shine and entered the sky.

All the stars noticed this change in Canopus and wondered what had happened to him. Every star knew Canopus was one of the brightest stars. They kept wondering when Canopus started approaching each one of them.

"Please," he said in a sad voice,"last night I lost my shine and am dull now. Can you lend me some of your brightness?"

Now many stars were jealous of Canopus' dazzling shine. They decided this was the right time to make him feel inferior to them. They flatly refused. Canopus went to all the stars one by one. In the end a group of stars, known as "Super Stars", felt bad for Canopus. They decided to help him.

The Super Stars went upto Canopus and said," We are not as good as you were, but we can come together and lend you some of our shine." They all started shining at their best. Their shine covered the sky with brillant light and made them more visible than the rest of the stars!

Canopus got pleased at this and told them,"Thank you friends for helping me out, but I was only testing all of you. I am pleased with your nature and hence, I shall give each one of you some of my dazzling shine so that you appear brighter every night!" He touched the Super Stars, and voila!! Each star shone more than he previously did.

So kids, the stars which are visible today are the ones which were helpful and considerate towards a fellow star.

Moral :- Help others when they need you ; this will only make you a better human being. :)

© Zarine.

1 comment:

Whacky said...

hehhe, Sweet !!!! Your kids are gonna love. u sure have some talent