Wednesday, April 05, 2006

On Childhood

Each rose with its petal and thorn;
Every leaf, berry, nut and acorn.
Just look around and you will see
The wonders that are in every tree!

Stupid donkeys. The grey barn owl.
Selfish cats. Feathered guinea fowl.
Cute pups. That clumsy polar bear cub.
They're all part of your Animal Club!

Strawberries with jam and whipped cream.
Sessions with the neighbourhood hakim.
Bunking school. Making mummy wild.
Isn't it wonderful to be a child?

Kindness in dad's eyes. Jam tart.
Sun on your face. Love in your heart.
A whiff of jasmine. Big drops of rain.
These are gifts to make you smile again!

Whether you are a little boy or girl,
You are richer than the purest pearl.
Your every minute is a whole new story
Which shows us life in all its glory!

May you be like a tree with deep roots
May your life yield many sweet fruits
May you have peace wherever you stand
May you hold Eternal Joy in your hand!

© Suhail Kassim


Anonymous said...

Lovely poem dear :)

Suhail said...

Thank you sir :)