Sunday, April 02, 2006

The Tomato and the Cucumber

Once upon a time, much before the age of humans or even dinosaurs, the world was divided into two countries. One country was called “Fruity-land”. And the other was called “Veggie-land”.Now, in Baked-Bean Village in Veggie-land, there lived two young twin sisters. They were named Tomato-Pan and Cucumber-Pan. Both the sisters were very charming. However, while Tomato-Pan was short, plump and ugly like a gooseberry, Cucumber-Pan was tall, thin and beautiful like a Lily.

Tomato-Pan and Cucumber-Pan were the best of friends. They never went anywhere without each other. So much so that, when one got the measles, the other got the mumps.One fine wintry day, Queen Pumpkin announced that she would seek a suitable bride for her son, Prince Soup-Can.

This announcement created a lot of excitement in the Veggie-land. All the mothers started decorating their daughters with salad dressings, the daughters groomed themselves like they were already Princesses, and the fathers sat back and worried how much the wedding would cost them.

Prince Soup-Can started searching for the Perfect Bride. Each day, he and his troops would pass through a different village. The girls of the village would be lined up and the Prince would glance at each one of them. But none caught his fancy.

Then, one day, the Prince reached Baked-Bean Village. The atmosphere was festive. There were flags fluttering in the strong breeze. The village choir played village songs in the background while the girls got ready for the Prince. Vegetables buzzed here and there in excitement. And in the midst of all this commotion, Prince Soup-Can saw Tomato-Pan. And soft strains of heavenly music passed through his ears.For the first time in his lordly young life, the honorable Prince Soup-Can had fallen in love.

He just could not take his eyes off Tomato-Pan. The Prince dismounted from his noble steed and approached Tomato-Pan.He looked at her. And she blushed. The harder he looked, the more she blushed. She slowly turned light pink, then dark pink, and then burst into bright red.

Standing next to her, Cucumber-Pan was confused. Wasn’t she the prettier one? Then why was the Prince ignoring her and looking only at her ugly sister? And then Cucumber-Pan looked at the eyes of the Prince, and knew that he had become Tomato-Pan’s forever.For the first time, jealousy overtook Cucumber-Pan. She turned light green and then dark green with envy.

As the wondering village watched in silence, Tomato-Pan, who could not bear her shyness any more, prayed to the Almighty to help her. And the Almighty clothed her in a smooth deep red skin which matched her color at that moment.

And the Almighty also clothed her twin sister, Cucumber-Pan, in a light green skin which matched her color at that time. But to show his displeasure at Cucumber-Pan, who had become jealous at her sister’s good fortune instead of celebrating and rejoicing with delight, He striped her skin with lashes of dark green.

And then Prince Soup-Can bent on one knee and, looking directly at Tomato-Pan, asked in a voice which trembled with love and happiness, “My dear Tomato-Pan, you are the most beautiful being I have ever seen. Will you do me the honor of being my wife?”

And Tomato-Pan looked doubtful because she knew that she was not at all a pretty girl. But when she looked shyly at Prince Soup-Can, saw in his eyes the magic which every girl always dreams of seeing in someone’s eyes some day. She too fell madly in love with the charming Prince Soup-Can. Then she knew that the same love which was pouring out of his heart and eyes for her was visible in her heart and eyes for him.

And so Tomato-Pan and Prince Soup-Can were married with great pomp and fanfare. And they lived happily ever after. And their child was named Tomato-Soup after both his parents.

Now, dear children, you know the reason why tomatoes are red and cucumbers are green. So, always feel happy for others’ good luck and the Almighty God will bless you too.

© Suhail Kassim.

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