Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Bitter Pills

One fine evening Banana Boy got angry. His mom had scolded him and his dad was cross. His sister also was upset. Banana Boy remained angry for a while and then broke down. He sobbed and sobbed. He wished he was peeled and squashed into a milkshake! He didnt want to talk to anyone and continued to remain depressed. Meanwhile his friend, Peach Park came by and saw his dear friend in this state. On inquiring he learnt was the reason for his friend's agony.

Banana Boy had gone to the fruit market and spent lot of money on candies. When his mom and dad heard this they shouted at him. Peach Park told Banana Boy, "On the face of it, it does seem very hurting for our folks to shout at us like that. They dont understand how much we love candies, do they? They were no candies during their childhood! And neither do they realise that we know what we are doing! Why do they keep yelling at us all the time?! So what if these candies can spoil our teeth and cause us toothache later? So what if they make us so addicted to them that we cant live a day without them?! It's all our problem, why should they bother? So what if they are our parents and concerned about us? So what if they think about our welfare in the longer run? So what if...?" Banana Boy was looking at Peach Park with shock!

He weeped and slowly, in between hiccups, told Peach Park, " You know Park, can you imagine how much I must've hurt my parents to make them so angry? They must've had some expectations from me...and if I, as their son, cant live upto them....I should be ashamed of myself!! I love candies but I love my parents more. If I have to ask them to have it, I shall do it. If that is what makes them happy, I shall do it!!" Saying this, Banana Boy wiped his tears and started running towards his home. "Need to make up!" he shouted back to his smiling friend.

Moral of the story:- Parents often give us the bitter pill. As kids, we hate it and forget the long term benefits the pill would give us. Tomorrow, when our parents become stars and we look upto them...its such lessons that we shall recall.

© Zarine.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Love and befriend all.

Dear Kids, we have read few stories about the residents of Veggie-Land. Today we shall know something about Fruity-Land.

There were 2 fruits who were good friends - Lola the Litchi and Sara the Strawberry. Now Lola and Sara resembled each other so much that everyone was confused. But from within, they were different persons. Sara was stubborn while Lola had a big heart. She would always forgive whatever pranks Sara would play on her. One day sitting besides the river, they heard someone play a beautiful tune from a flute. Both of them were enchanted. As they discovered the source of the tune, they were shocked. Sitting on the rock was an ugly Pineapple.

They went to him and asked who he was. He replied, "I am Peter the Pineapple. I'm new to Fruity Land. Will you be my friends?" As Lola reached out her hand to shake it with Peter's, Sara held her back. She took Lola aside and asked her, " Have you gone mad? We are berries. How can we befriend a Pineapple??" Lola was shocked to hear this. Sara dragged Lola away from the scene, leaving the heartbroken Peter behind.

Few days later, it so happened that a ferocious animal started attacking the trees and eating away all the fruits! Everybody was terrified, especially the Berries. They were small and most vulnerable to such attacks. As Lola and Sara sat in their homes worrying about each other and everyone, they heard a roar. Terrified they looked outside. And what did they see??? The ferocious Fruit Eater was glaring back at them!! They started running for their lives!

The chase had begun. The Berries ran as fast as they could. The Fruit Eater was at their heels. They ran and he followed. Up the banyas and down the creepers. The chase continued with neither of the parties giving in. Suddenly the Berries ran into the bushes and were cornered! Sara started sobbing loudly. Lola decided to fight the Fruit Eater. As the Fruit Eater advanced towards them, he moaned loudly! On his feet were rough pointed leaves! And he kept moaning as Peter kept throwing the hard leaves of his crown at him. The Fruit Eater retreated in pain.

Lola thanked Peter profusely. Sara apologised to him for her rude behavior and they became friends and stayed happily ever after.

Moral :- Never discriminate friends based on their appearances/ religion/ caste/ division. Each one has his/her good qualities. We are all angels with one wing. We can only fly if we embrace each other.

© Zarine.

On Childhood

Each rose with its petal and thorn;
Every leaf, berry, nut and acorn.
Just look around and you will see
The wonders that are in every tree!

Stupid donkeys. The grey barn owl.
Selfish cats. Feathered guinea fowl.
Cute pups. That clumsy polar bear cub.
They're all part of your Animal Club!

Strawberries with jam and whipped cream.
Sessions with the neighbourhood hakim.
Bunking school. Making mummy wild.
Isn't it wonderful to be a child?

Kindness in dad's eyes. Jam tart.
Sun on your face. Love in your heart.
A whiff of jasmine. Big drops of rain.
These are gifts to make you smile again!

Whether you are a little boy or girl,
You are richer than the purest pearl.
Your every minute is a whole new story
Which shows us life in all its glory!

May you be like a tree with deep roots
May your life yield many sweet fruits
May you have peace wherever you stand
May you hold Eternal Joy in your hand!

© Suhail Kassim

Monday, April 03, 2006

The Shining Star

Once upon a time in a vast sky lived hundreds of stars. But do you know why we can see so few of them at night now?

It so happened that on one such night, one star called Canopus decided to test the remaining stars. Canopus was the second largest star in the Galaxy. He wanted to know how many stars were kind hearted and helpful. So, he lessened his shine and entered the sky.

All the stars noticed this change in Canopus and wondered what had happened to him. Every star knew Canopus was one of the brightest stars. They kept wondering when Canopus started approaching each one of them.

"Please," he said in a sad voice,"last night I lost my shine and am dull now. Can you lend me some of your brightness?"

Now many stars were jealous of Canopus' dazzling shine. They decided this was the right time to make him feel inferior to them. They flatly refused. Canopus went to all the stars one by one. In the end a group of stars, known as "Super Stars", felt bad for Canopus. They decided to help him.

The Super Stars went upto Canopus and said," We are not as good as you were, but we can come together and lend you some of our shine." They all started shining at their best. Their shine covered the sky with brillant light and made them more visible than the rest of the stars!

Canopus got pleased at this and told them,"Thank you friends for helping me out, but I was only testing all of you. I am pleased with your nature and hence, I shall give each one of you some of my dazzling shine so that you appear brighter every night!" He touched the Super Stars, and voila!! Each star shone more than he previously did.

So kids, the stars which are visible today are the ones which were helpful and considerate towards a fellow star.

Moral :- Help others when they need you ; this will only make you a better human being. :)

© Zarine.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

The Tomato and the Cucumber

Once upon a time, much before the age of humans or even dinosaurs, the world was divided into two countries. One country was called “Fruity-land”. And the other was called “Veggie-land”.Now, in Baked-Bean Village in Veggie-land, there lived two young twin sisters. They were named Tomato-Pan and Cucumber-Pan. Both the sisters were very charming. However, while Tomato-Pan was short, plump and ugly like a gooseberry, Cucumber-Pan was tall, thin and beautiful like a Lily.

Tomato-Pan and Cucumber-Pan were the best of friends. They never went anywhere without each other. So much so that, when one got the measles, the other got the mumps.One fine wintry day, Queen Pumpkin announced that she would seek a suitable bride for her son, Prince Soup-Can.

This announcement created a lot of excitement in the Veggie-land. All the mothers started decorating their daughters with salad dressings, the daughters groomed themselves like they were already Princesses, and the fathers sat back and worried how much the wedding would cost them.

Prince Soup-Can started searching for the Perfect Bride. Each day, he and his troops would pass through a different village. The girls of the village would be lined up and the Prince would glance at each one of them. But none caught his fancy.

Then, one day, the Prince reached Baked-Bean Village. The atmosphere was festive. There were flags fluttering in the strong breeze. The village choir played village songs in the background while the girls got ready for the Prince. Vegetables buzzed here and there in excitement. And in the midst of all this commotion, Prince Soup-Can saw Tomato-Pan. And soft strains of heavenly music passed through his ears.For the first time in his lordly young life, the honorable Prince Soup-Can had fallen in love.

He just could not take his eyes off Tomato-Pan. The Prince dismounted from his noble steed and approached Tomato-Pan.He looked at her. And she blushed. The harder he looked, the more she blushed. She slowly turned light pink, then dark pink, and then burst into bright red.

Standing next to her, Cucumber-Pan was confused. Wasn’t she the prettier one? Then why was the Prince ignoring her and looking only at her ugly sister? And then Cucumber-Pan looked at the eyes of the Prince, and knew that he had become Tomato-Pan’s forever.For the first time, jealousy overtook Cucumber-Pan. She turned light green and then dark green with envy.

As the wondering village watched in silence, Tomato-Pan, who could not bear her shyness any more, prayed to the Almighty to help her. And the Almighty clothed her in a smooth deep red skin which matched her color at that moment.

And the Almighty also clothed her twin sister, Cucumber-Pan, in a light green skin which matched her color at that time. But to show his displeasure at Cucumber-Pan, who had become jealous at her sister’s good fortune instead of celebrating and rejoicing with delight, He striped her skin with lashes of dark green.

And then Prince Soup-Can bent on one knee and, looking directly at Tomato-Pan, asked in a voice which trembled with love and happiness, “My dear Tomato-Pan, you are the most beautiful being I have ever seen. Will you do me the honor of being my wife?”

And Tomato-Pan looked doubtful because she knew that she was not at all a pretty girl. But when she looked shyly at Prince Soup-Can, saw in his eyes the magic which every girl always dreams of seeing in someone’s eyes some day. She too fell madly in love with the charming Prince Soup-Can. Then she knew that the same love which was pouring out of his heart and eyes for her was visible in her heart and eyes for him.

And so Tomato-Pan and Prince Soup-Can were married with great pomp and fanfare. And they lived happily ever after. And their child was named Tomato-Soup after both his parents.

Now, dear children, you know the reason why tomatoes are red and cucumbers are green. So, always feel happy for others’ good luck and the Almighty God will bless you too.

© Suhail Kassim.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Red the Raddish

Once upon a time, there lived a Raddish called Red. He had a select bunch of pals namely, Stella the strawberry, Betty the beetroot and Al the onion.

Red did not know what he wanted from his life. He knew he was just a vegetable in the big bad food market. Mebbe he was destined to be just that...!

One day as he and his pals (veggies, as they'd like to call themselves) were walking through the market. Red asked Betty,"Betty, I sometimes wonder why you and Stella have strong colors and I dont? I too want to leave my mark!" It was true that Red was colorless. Al asked Red,"Does having no color mean you are colorless? Dont you realise that white is a color too?" "Yeh Al, but it isnt prominent!" "Who said so?" "I know!" Red got upset and walked away.

It so happened that evening the Chief of Veggie Land fell sick from acidity. All the veggies were called for a meet. They came forth with what they could do for the Chief. Stella and Betty offered their colors. "No,no! We dont need colors! We need medicines!" exclaimed the Dr.Brinjal, "Call Red! We need him to cure the indigestion and acidity!" Veggies started searching for Red and brought him to the hospital. Red gave away few of his medicinal properties to his Chief and cured him. Everyone around cheered him!!

Moral :- Each of us has different qualities that make us special and unique. If you ever feel 'wasted' or 'useless' , remember you are just a raddish betting his time. :)

© Zarine.